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How do headphones/ earbuds affect our ears?

The headphones that connect it to our ears for listening to music or talking over the phone for a long period makes us feel comfortable and enjoyable. This is the positive of listening to music using earbuds or headphones. 

But if you see the negatives of using the earbuds it is damaging our ears. Earbuds are easy to use anywhere in our comfort and also they sound good. But are they really good for our ears? What do they do to us? Let us go into detail.

Do You Know About Ear?

Each ear is made up of three parts. The outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear which works together. The part of the inner ear is called the cochlea contains tiny hair cells. These hair cells help to send music, mainly sound messages to the brain. 

But when it gets loud noises the cochlea can't relay sound messages to the brain can damage the hair cells. The damage cells never heal in the inner ear. As time passes more and more hair cells get damaged, our hearing will get worst.

How Does It Get Affected?

Earbuds are useful only at low volumes. They are tiny speakers with loud music playing that close to your eardrum can cause permanent hear loss.  

When the sound waves reach our ears, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. This vibration is transmitted to the inner ear through several small bones and reaches as a fluid-filled chamber in our ear that contains a lot more small hairs. When sound vibrations begin, the fluid inside it vibrates and causes the hairs to move. Louder sounds cause stronger vibrations, which cause the hairs to move furthermore. When you listen to music for a long period, these hair cells lose their sensitivity to vibrate. 

Mostly loud noises cause the cells to fold over. This causes the sensation of temporary hearing loss after you are exposed to loud noises. The hair cells take time to recover from extreme vibrations caused by the loud noise. In some cases, the cells never recover. The damage to function normally any longer, which leads to hearing loss. This type of noise-induced hearing damage is almost impossible to recover. No cure exists for repairing a damaged inner ear.

Where Do We Face?

For example, motorcycle engines like bullets create about 100 decibels of sound. The MP3 player at 70% of its top volume is about 85 decibels. Turning the volume so high and listening for long periods can put you in real danger of permanent hearing loss.

Listening to music in headphone is not the only problem that can cause hearing loss, but also listening at a loud volume can make you unaware of what's going on around you. That increases your chances of an accident when you are riding a bicycle or motorcycle or driving a car.

What Doctor Recommend?

The danger of headphone usage is volume. They can produce a very loud volume of sound that is very close to your ear. This is dangerous for our ears because loud noises make damages to our hearing capacity. The signs of hearing loss are buzzing, ringing, roaring in our ears after hearing a loud noise, muffling, and distortion of sounds.

Hearing loss from earbuds is an example of a condition called noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). This type of hearing loss is becoming problematic among kids and especially teenagers. Noise-induced hearing loss from using earphones usually takes some time. As it happens gradually, a lot of people don't find it that they have a problem but it's very late.

Audiologists and Otologists say that over-the-ear headphones increase the distance between our eardrums and the speakers. So it will lower the chance for loss of hearing. They recommend using over-the-ear headphones instead of in-ear or earbud-style models. 

How to Prevent?

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) due to earbuds is cent per cent preventable if you use them in control. Louder the volume, the faster hearing loss will happen.
Listening to music or playing a movie or video at not more than 60% of the maximum volume. The amount of time spend with earbuds in our ears should be no more than 60 minutes. Most of the electronics stores have entire sections allotted to headphones. The best headphones, noise-cancelling headphones, help to block out other unwanted noises.

Noise-cancelling headphones may be good for staying focused on learning or homework. Having the source of the sound in your ear canal can increase a sound's volume by 6 to 9 decibels that are enough to cause some serious problems. Earbuds came into progress as many of us love music. So to protect our hearing we should in control to use the music volume so that we shall continue to appreciate the music. That's how it helps to know about the risks of earbuds.

Want to Learn Music?

Don’t be panic to see the sub-heading; you shall learn music with a moderate noise level. Always we are taught or experiencing the outer world. In former days you were learning by going to schools, colleges and coaching classes (nowadays).

Now it’s time to update you! To learn music online checkout ONLINE MUSIC CLASSROOMLearn Music-Anytime-AnywhereOnline Music Classroom is a platform to learn piano, electronic keyboard with an additional free course of vocal. Well-trained teachers with good knowledge who handle from beginner to advanced skill students. Join and get benefits to become future musicians. You are provided with an opportunity to learn and also to buy the musical instruments on Amazon. 

To buy good earphones or headphones, check out from our Musician product. You shall also check out the other products like musical instruments, accessories, fashion, gift products and so on. 

How long do you use headphones or earbuds? Let us know in the comments below.
How do headphones/ earbuds affect our ears? How do headphones/ earbuds affect our ears? Reviewed by Goldsmth on September 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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