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Stretching Exercise for Musicians

Hello concert pianists and string musicians! Often playing lengthy, complex works solo, and even holding a heavy instrument may affect you physically. Keeping yourself physically healthy is crucial will prevent you from common injuries like muscle sprains and pain in the body parts.

To endurance, regular stretching exercises will be helpful, which improves your posture and to become a strong musician. Use these exercises as a warm-up then continues with your instrument. If any of the stretches cause pain, stop immediately that shows the sign which does not suit your body.
Come! Let’s begin! 

Neck And Shoulder Movements

  • Place your ear on your right shoulder. Gently and slowly press your head toward your shoulder with hand on the same side, while keeping the opposite shoulder relaxed. Hold the stretch for 12 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.
  • Place one arm straight across your chest while gently pulling it in toward your body with your opposite hand and hold for 12 seconds. Repeat the same with the other arm.
  • Start with your arms at your sides, raise them outward and upward over your head, then return, relaxed to sides. Repeat 10 times. (Like jumping jack do without the jump.)
  • With arms relaxed at sides, gently shrug(up and down shoulder movement) your shoulders up toward your ears. Relax and repeat the same for 10 times.

Elbow Movements

  • Extend your arms straight out in front of your body, palms up, without locking your elbows. Bend and straighten elbows slowly. Repeat the same for 10 times. To build strength, add 5 to 10-pound weights in each hand.
  • Similarly, extend your arms out to your sides without locking your elbows. Bring both elbows up so that your fingertips are touching at the back of your head. Return to sides and repeat the same for 10 times.
  • Stand facing a door frame and place your elbows along each side of the frame. Gently lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the chest. To make the stretch slightly deeper, lean forward and look slowly from left to right, pausing where you can feel the tension.

Wrist and Finger Movements

  • Place arms in front of you with your fingertips extended. Rotate palms up/palms down 10 times, then wrists up/wrists down 10 times.
  • In “wave” shape by keeping arms in front with fingertips extended upward. Rotate wrists outward, toward your pinkie side, then inward, toward your thumbs, repeat the same for 10 times.
  • Still keeping hands out in front, extend your fingertips straight forward with palms down. Gently pull your fingertips from the top, toward your body, with your opposite hand until you feel a healthy stretch in your wrist, hand, and fingers. Hold for 12 seconds then repeat with the other hand. Next, do the same, only pull fingertips downward toward your body. Hold for 12 seconds on each hand. Repeat for 10 times.
  • Spread fingers on both hands out as far as you (comfortably) can, then squeeze into a moderate fist. Repeat the same for 10 times. Bend finger joints as if you were gripping handlebars, then spread out. Repeat the same for 5 times. Gently shake out your hands.
  • Sit or stand with your forearms facing upwards. Place your palms under the desk and gently push upwards. Work with the tension to identify sore points, and repeat as necessary.

Shoulder Circles with Open Arm and Lower Back Stretch

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With palms facing out, make a slow circle with your arms. As you return to the starting point, raise both arms out in front of you and squeeze the top of your back, which will fully open up the muscles in your neck and chest. Hold as desired, then begin again.
  • Start by kneeling down on a mat or soft surface. Push your glutes back and down and extend your arms out as you bring your head straight down into the floor. Continue to stretch by reaching out with your hands and flexing your fingers/hands. You should feel a stretch in the mid and lower back regions. Once held, release and lie down on your back with your knees clasped to your chest. With your elbows tucked in, gently rock side to side, massaging the lower back. Repeat as necessary.

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Do you do stretching before playing the instrument? Tell us in the comments below.
Stretching Exercise for Musicians Stretching Exercise for Musicians Reviewed by Goldsmth on January 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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